[BlindTlk] An Aira question.

Bernadetta bernadetta_pracon at samobile.net
Thu Jan 17 01:10:54 UTC 2019

Yes. An AIRA agent would be able to remotely access your computer using 
an application called TeamViewer. They operate your computer with their 
mouse while your screen reader is on, so you know exactly what they're 
doing. then they just log out and you're all set.
I do this all the time for work as needed.
AIRA has a guest offer that allows you to log in and talk to an agent 
for free if it's an issue of accessibility using the JAWS screenreader 
or any other... What are they called now? Formerly freedom scientific products.
Anyway, yes. I use this all the time and it's very convenient and helpful.
I recommend that option far more than the microsoft support option. I 
don't really know if they would be able to effectively help you with this.

Bernadetta P

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