[BlindTlk] Focus Blue 40 Instruction...

James Kelm jameskelm at earthlink.net
Sat Jan 4 19:09:24 UTC 2020

Dear friends,

    I just purchased a Focus Blue 40 refreshable Braille display, and I'm hoping that you can help me with learning it!  This is the first refreshable Braille display that I have ever used, so it is a brand new experience for me.  I am good with computers in general, but not with the Focus Blue!

    A number of years ago I recall different companies that sold cassettes, although now I would guess that it would be on CD's, that would provide instruction on different aspects of software for the blind.  They had instruction on things like Microsoft Word, Excel, Windows, etc.  Does anyone know of something like this for a Focus Blue?  I have the instruction manual that came with the unit, but it is not very detailed, and seems to be tailored for someone who is already familiar with refreshable Braille units in general, and the Focus Blue in particular.  I hope to use my unit at work, but it would be so much easier if I could actually learn it, rather than just stumbling around on it.  I called the manufacturer, but they said that they don't have anything other than the manual that came with my unit.

    Any help would sure be appreciated!  I'm guessing that there isn't a whole lot that I have to learn in order to affectively use this, but so far I just seem to be frustrated!


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