[BlindTlk] Flying FOr The First Time On My Own

Judy Jones sonshines59 at gmail.com
Thu May 11 20:08:25 UTC 2023

O boy!

As a blind senior, I can't tell you how many flights I have taken on my own,
the first being when I was fourteen, a short hop from Charlotte, NC to
Atlanta GA.

You will be just fine, and there is now AIRA which didn't exist back then in

What I've done throughout life is to ask for assistance getting to the gate
when checking my bags.  

But I have also done the things so well taught in O&M as a teen, to listen
for orientation cues to your area, and ask directions of personnel.  Never


-----Original Message-----
From: BlindTlk <blindtlk-bounces at nfbnet.org> On Behalf Of Armando Vias via
Sent: Thursday, May 11, 2023 11:38 AM
To: Jamelle via BlindTlk <blindtlk at nfbnet.org>
Cc: Armando Vias <armando at armandovias.com>
Subject: [BlindTlk] Flying FOr The First Time On My Own
Importance: High

Hello everyone,

I hope that everyone is doing well today.

I am planning out my trip for July with my family. My family is driving, but
I want to fly one-way to the destination because I like flying.

Has anyone ever traveled on your own? What are some tips for traveling
through the airport?

The last time I have traveled through the airport was when my dad was with
me to take me to the plane to go to the Louisiana Center for The Blind.

I know that I can also use AIRA to navigate the airport as well, because my
destination airport has AIRA Access.

Thank you.

Armando Vias

[Armando Vias is smiling at the camera.]

Armando L. Vias
An Advocate for The Blind and Disabled Communities Member | YDPG Disability
Caucus Member | DPG Disability Caucus Member | Houston County Democratic
Committee Byron/Houston County, GA 31008 United States of America (USA)
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