[Blindvet-talk] Wow ! President getting blasted because we dare compare

NABlindVets at aol.com NABlindVets at aol.com
Sun Dec 14 23:21:19 UTC 2008

Well I knew this day would come. I am being blasted on the battingthebreeze  
list serve because the NFB
has finally won the funds from the government to run a side by side  
comparison  pilot of blind training methods  against the VA. 
Ladies and Gentlemen, we as veterans deserve  nothing but the best and  if 
that means we run a pilot program comparing the VA's training Blind  vets  
program against a NFB training blind bets program , well it is about  time I say.
For years the citizens of the USA have had services provided under the  
program of INFORMED CHOICE, but vets have not had that  opportunity. If  vets 
deserve the best then they also deserve INFORMED CHOICE as the norm not the  
Dwight D.  Sayer
The National Association of Blind Veterans
A Division  of the NFB
Email - presidentnabv at aol.com
or president at nabv.org 
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