[blparent] Help

Jennifer Massey renandstimpy3 at comcast.net
Wed Jul 15 04:52:49 UTC 2009

My boyfriend has no vision but my children do. He watches them 2 or 3 days a week sometimes for more then 8 hours a day.  My daughter who will be 6 soon told him today that she does the things that she does that are bad because he can't see her do them.  This hurt him very much.  We are not sure what to do at this point and any advice would be helpful.  I have tried spending extra time with her when I can and giving her some positive attention.  This week we have swimming which we always do together not only has a family but we each take some individual time with both of the kids, we also are taking both the kids to a carnival on friday and we are all going to the zoo on saturday.  We really try to spend as much time as we can with them in the positive and not sure why my daughter is lashing out so much towards him in general.  When I am at home she doesn't do this and when she is with her dad and his wife she doesn't do it either.  Just with him.

Jennifer and Dustin

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