[blparent] Parenting Question about potty training; not exactly blindness related! Sorry!

Melissa Ann Riccobono melissa at riccobono.us
Thu Feb 25 21:12:38 UTC 2010

Hello everyone,

Well, it's that time.  A time for me to post something not exactly blindness
related, but definitely parenting related!  I hope you will all forgive me,
and that some of you parents who have been through this particular stage in
your children's lives will chime in and give me any advice you have.  Feel
free to take this off list if you'd rather; I can be reached at
melissa at riccobono.us

                OK, so here's the situation.  Austin has been working on
potty training for the past couple of weeks.  For the most part he pees on
the potty and often tells us when he has to go.  We've had many dry days.
But, for some reason, he is very reluctant to poop on the potty.  Once he
did without messing in his pants.  A couple of times he has messed his pants
first, then "finished up" on the potty.  But, the last couple of times he
has not given any warning and has just messed his pants entirely.  Also, he
has held it for as long as 4 days; I was going to give him a laxative, (at
the advice of his pediatrician) but then he went on his own.  But the whole
thing just starts over again.  We certainly have times during the day when I
have him sit for longer periods on the potty.  We read books and talk, and I
try to make this a very relaxed time in the hopes he will go.  This has not
worked.  I've also tried rewards, which haven't worked so far.  He also
usually holds a toy, his blanket, or something else he likes while he sits
on the potty, which I've heard can help, but hasn't helped yet.  He seems
most comfortable going in his pull up or underwear when he's standing up and
just playing quietly.  This isn't something I can quite recreate on the

                I would appreciate any advice!  I know potty training can
take a long time, and I'm doing my best to be patient, but I hate to see him
holding it for so long.  I also don't want to put him back entirely in
diapers because, as I've said, he's doing so well with staying dry, even at
night and at naptimes.

Thanks in advance for your help!


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