[blparent] Books on family was Talking about adoption?

Eileen Levin eileenlevin at comcast.net
Sat Mar 3 12:56:00 UTC 2012

I searched BARD NLS book and found loads of books on adoption for adults.
One book I found really awesome was 
"Full House" The Story of the Anderson Quintuplets". The book is mostly
about the quintuplets but they also had two adopted older brothers. The
eldest was deaf from birth because his mother had had german measles at
exactly the wrong time in her pregnancy. The second child was determined to
be gifted  when he entered first grade. I've been going through a time of
serious doubts about my own parenting skills. I was really feeling like a
truly lousy mother and this book was totally inspiring, uplifting, and
enlightening. I feel so much more relaxed and willing to  parent with love
and patience instead of feeling like I need to fix something in either
myself or my family every second of the day! 

I also discovered that Malissa Gilbert the star of Little house on the
Prairy tv series was adopted because her family already had 6 kids and
didn't think that they could handle a seventh.  

One book about brothers that has me in stitches every time I listen to it is
Neil Gaiman's "Anansi Boys". It's about Anansi's  adult son who discovers
that he has an adult demi god brother.  It's a great fantasy about how
sibblings can totally make each other miserable yet ultimately enrich one
another's lives.  LOL

I plan to ask my local public librarian if there are any books on adoption
aimed at children. Most of the books were either aimed at adults or all
about adopting a pet.
Have a great day,

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