[blparent] how to handle a baby while you multi task
Danielle Antoine
singingmywayin at gmail.com
Sun Nov 18 06:15:26 UTC 2012
Hello Hena,
How old is your baby? I only ask because one of the suggestions are
for younger babies.....A swing. Not all of them love it but all mine
did. If your child is young enough to fit in one, try it. I had one
with music! and my daughter who preferred being held would fall asleep
in it. It is pretty much the only place she'd nap for any long period.
Also, I found the sling invaluable! my daughter's other favorite
preference to nap and just be. What i would do is turn it around to
the back carry so my baby was on my back safely out of the way while I
was cooking, washing dishes, loading and unloading the washer or
anything where I needed her safely out of the way. thata way her needs
were met as well as everyone else's. If you know of any mommmies using
slings you can talk to them to show you how to use one in the various
positions, you can write me off list and I'll try to explain or you
can check with your locl LLL group.
On 11/17/12, Marla Wertman <marla.wertman at verizon.net> wrote:
> Goodness Rebecca unless you are involved with this family on a personal
> level you make a lot of assumptions here.Hena never once indicated that
> she was unhappy in her marriage. I think it's probably a bit premature
> and we don't have enough information to even give the suggestion that
> she and her husband separate.It is not easy as a blind person and for
> anyone else for that matter to find work, so they are very fortunate
> that both parents are able to work. I do agree with you that they need
> to spend some time together as a family, but we can't suggest quitting
> jobs and separating with the information we were given.I think one of
> the problems with this list is that people want to give opinions about
> things that were not asked.I appologize if you have some information
> about this situation that we don't, but if that is the case and you have
> been told things in confidence then you should make suggestions like
> that privately.
> On Wed, 14 Nov 2012 17:50:43 +0000
> "Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)" <REBECCA.PICKRELL at tasc.com> wrote:
>> What nobody has mentioned is that Hena is parenting alone at the butt end
>> of her and the baby's day.
>> She is married and doesn't get the bennifit of either being a stay-at-home
>> mom, nor does she get the bennifits of the company of the man who agreed
>> and promised to love and cherish her. She doesn't get to enjoy the baby
>> when they are both awake and rested. She doesn't get to meet other
>> parents. She always feels like she has to keep up because she's working
>> during the day.
>> She and her husband do not share experiences and time with the child. They
>> don't really share experiences with each other.
>> Hena will not have the ability to stay late at work, or take a class or
>> meet a friend for a drink.
>> It is amiserable way to live.
>> What to do with the baby is an easy question. What to do about the
>> marriage is harder.
>> Hena, I'd urge you and your husband to work the same schedule, or one of
>> you to be a stay at home parent. The money you're saving now isn't worth
>> it. You need each other and your child needs both of you though in very
>> different ways. I'd insist the schedule aspect change. Seriously ask
>> yourself if you'd be better off separated. You'd have to parent, but you'd
>> also have the freedom to find a man who wants to be a companion. You
>> don't have that now, even if you think you do. Even if you don't really
>> like your husband, your child needs both of you. You both interact with
>> him or her in very different ways and sometimes those ways appear when all
>> of you are together. This is good for everybody. Even if you guys don't
>> want to do the traditional marriage plan, you do need to coparent
>> together. That doesn't mean play "pass the kid"
>> My best advice is to tell you rhusband you and he need to work the same
>> schedule so that neither of you is parenting for long stretches. Your
>> other advice is to have one of you stay home where the stay at home parent
>> gets to make friends, can enjoy parent-kid activities and be part of a
>> group. Your current model is not sustainable. You're already seeing
>> this.
>> org] On Behalf Of hina altaf
>> Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2012 11:13 AM
>> To: blparent at nfbnet.org
>> Subject: [blparent] how to handle a baby while you multi task
>> Hi,
>> I am a working mom and when I come home, my husband leaves for work
>> and I and the baby are all alone. He is in the stage where he wants to
>> crawl and roll over but we do not have a carpet and it is hard wood
>> floor. when I am cooking, my husband asked me to put him in the car
>> seat but he likes to move around and I am afraid he may fall. Do you
>> have any suggestions? what techniques do you all use to watch the baby
>> so you can do other house work?
>> Hina.
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> Marla Wertman
> Avon representative
> http://www.youravon.com/mwertman
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