[blparent] Introducing myself, books and bus.

Shelby Young blindatbirth at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 2 01:31:59 UTC 2012

Hello everyone,

I'm new on here, so I thought I'd introduce myself.  My name is Shelby Young, from Kansas.  I'm a single mom to a two month old named Jaxcen.  I spelled his name different its: J A X C E N.  

In responce to my question about books, I called the Kansas State Library for the Blind and asked about braille books.  They contacted the Utah State Library for the Blind and got me signed up to get books from them.  You can either call and order books or get online and do it.  The lady asked what books I wanted--My mind went blank and I just said childrens books.  If any of you have good book titles, let me know please.  

The bus system just started here.  I can take the stroller, but have to fold it up.  My son has to be bucklkled in the seat next to me in his carseat.  These are smaller buses then what, say Denver has, but its a start.  When I was going to the Colorado Center for the Blind, I saw people on the bus with strollers and the children were still in them.  The driver just folded up the seat so they weren't in the ile.  

When taking children to the doctors, do you have the doctor write down everything they've done, such as what shots were given, how much the child waid, how tall the child is, if any perscripssions were given and how much, ECT?  I'm asking because I'd like siggestions of how to do things.  Sorry if this doesn't make sense.  


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