[blparent] Please help me snap out of my pity-party

Sheila Leigland sleigland at bresnan.net
Thu Oct 25 21:30:35 UTC 2012

Hi I'm willing to bet that at some level we've felt that way. It is easy to almost be envious of those that see but we don't need to be. No one  sighted or blind can do everything and children know that you are his or her parent and eventually that will be all that matters. When our son was little he made it clear that I his mom was to take care of him. It didn't matter that maybe others could do things faster because he was use to the way that I and my husband also blind, took care of him. If he was with our family and we weren't there he at times felt alone because the other kids had a parent with them and sometimes he just wanted someone that was his alone. That always made me feel special and blessed to be his mom.

Sheila Leigland

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