[blparent] Cloth Diapers Anyone?

Bernadetta Pracon bernadetta_pracon at samobile.net
Tue Sep 25 01:22:18 UTC 2012

Erin, Thanks for clarifying.
Between you and me, I dont' mean to judge, but that's terribly 
disgusting. i understand that new mommies have a lot on their plate, 
etc. But to throw a pail of dirty poopy diapers streight into the 
washing machine without rincing first--no way. That's nasty--That 
wouldn't fly in my house. lol
I commented simply because I thought it was anyone's logic that you'd 
want to rid the diaper of the poop before you wash it. Just like you 
want to rinse the dishes before you toss them into the dish washer. I'd 
always make sure to make something as clean on the surface as possible 
before allowing a machine to clean it for me. To me, the washing 
machine is supposed to sterilize clothes and get any excess dirt off of 
them, from the fibers--not rid them of caked on dirt. I just thought 
that's practical, common sense knowledge that people live by--I guess I 
was wrong. lol
But yes. I do understand that you wouldn't want actual poop floating 
around your washing machine. I dont' know who wouldn't mind that.


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