[blparent] on public transportation with a baby

Tatyana tagriru at gmail.com
Fri Sep 28 19:49:06 UTC 2012

First of all, I would  like to thank all who responded to my questions. I've read carefully  your stroller recommendations, did our own research and we finely purchased our first baby thing. It's a pricy stroller but it has all features that we were looking for. I don't remember the name right now,  it's a stroller that I'm going to pool behind me, it has adjustable handle, it converts to flat surface   which is good for a newborn, a carseat may be attached with additionally bought adapter, and that's a jogger.

So, can I bring a stroller on a public bus? I believe I can, but will it be attached by a driver, so it don't move, or I will need  to do it myself? In case of taxi, do I need to inform them that I'm going travel with a baby in a carseat?  


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