[blparent] Accessible apps

Bridgit Pollpeter bpollpeter at hotmail.com
Fri Mar 29 02:04:37 UTC 2013

We bought the three year-old a Doug and Melissa princess play castle for
Christmas and she loves it, smile. She also loves the blocks and shape
sorter and dress-up clothes.

Declan at seven-months-old is starting to play with toys, and he loves a
lot of the D and M stuff.

My mom has been an early education teacher for years, and she agrees
that kids shouldn't be exposed to TV and computers until much later in
life and even then it should be limited.

To each his own, and no one is a bad parent for allowing TV, although I
question the story of the mom letting her infant watch all the time, but
I believe books, tactile learning and imagination go a lot further than
screens and TV.


Message: 14
Date: Wed, 27 Mar 2013 20:05:13 -0400
From: Bernadetta <bernadetta_pracon at samobile.net>
To: blparent at nfbnet.org
Subject: Re: [blparent] Accessible apps
Message-ID: 061150ff-8dde-4d98-86ef-a8944b571310 at samobile.net
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format="flowed"

I agree with bridget here.
Personally, I am firmly against having my sun watch tv or learn 
anything from an IPhone etc.
I'm not one of thosemoms who will deny her kid something just on teh 
basis of being strict, but like bridget, I believe that there's not 
much good that can come from allowing an infant or a toddler to watch a
screen. I know I'm probably not in the majority with my views on this;
of parents seem to be ok with allowing their kids to watch tv and play 
with IDevices from the youngest age.
My own mother doesn't even see the point of me not wanting my one year 
old to play with her IPhone or watch cartoons on a regular basis. She 
gets a huge kick out of using the application facetime to try to 
interact with my son when she's not around and she wants to see him, 
but I've had to turn her down when she's wanted to talk to him over 
facetime because my child, who rarely has tantrums insisted on 
performing a shrieking concert for us whenever it was time to take the 
IPhone out of his sight.
An uncle of mine wanted to buy Gabriel a bear which is supposed to be 
used with an IDevice to make it come to life, so to speak, but I 
dissuaded him from doing so because I didnt' think it healthy for a 
child his age to rely on a device such as that for games and
entertainment. I know of a mother who insists that her child watches tv
all the time 
in order to become better educated in the future. Her child is seven 
months old, and she's been watching hours of television on a regular 
basis since she was about six weeks old. I cant' imagine what kind of 
repercussions that will have on her later on.
By the way, I love doug and melissa for wooden toys and games. We have 
a bunch of wonderful toys from them and all are creative, durable and


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