[Cabs-talk] Captchas

Aziza C daydreamingncolor at gmail.com
Thu Nov 12 20:23:44 UTC 2009

Hi all,

First off, have I missed something? Why won't the form be used on the website?

Second, I'd like to comment on the exchange regarding the captcha in
question. Justin, you did a great job. I was impressed. I would have
never thought I'd complete a captcha without feeling grumpy, but you
prooved me wrong and I appreciate that.

Captchas naturally generate some uneasiness in blind individuals, so
it is only natural to get a little concerned when the subject is
brought up. I personally had no trouble with the captcha, however that
is not to say others did not.

I'm curious to know what solutions there are for deaf blind users who
encounter captchas? What can web developers do in this case to both
include and reach the largest possible population, and protect their
sites and servers.

Michael, I'd like to repeat what Justin stated, the comments made were
most definetly not directed at you, or meant to silence you in any
way. I believe Angela was simply pointing out the need for
consideration of others when writing a message to the list serve. One
can not be as personal on a list serve as one can be in a direct
email, a piece of knowledge I'm sure we are all aware of. On behalf of
the board, I ask that you do continue to post comments and concerns to
the list serve, that is what it is here for. Without your concerns
voiced we can not address them which would be counter-productive to
the goal of the state student devision.

Thank you.
Aziza Cano
California Association of Blind Students, First Vice-President

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