[CapChapOhio] January 2021 Minutes

Maggie Stringer ravensfan784 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 9 18:58:58 UTC 2021

Meeting Date: January 10th, 2021

Start time: 10:00 a.m.

End Time: 11:30 a.m.

Attendees: Annette L., Misty L., Richard P., JW S., Shelby H., Jordy

S., Maggie S., Shelly D., Heather P.

Current Balance: $859.95

Treasury Report approved: Motion by JW S., Second by Jordy S.

Treasury Discussion:

-Jordy S. will assist Shelly D. with setting up the PayPal business account

-The final outcome with the PayPal setup will be shared on the Capitol list

Fundraising Discussion:

-Working on a date for the virtual game night

- April 3rd at 4:00 p.m. is the tentative date

- Funds raised will benefit the Capitol chapter

- 3 games to be play

- Ongoing conversations of which platform to use; the RS Game platform

- Maggie S. will create the flyer for the event

- $10 per game, to play

- 3 prizes of $50

- Ongoing conversations of which games to play

- On going conversations of the game night title

- Hosting a Family Feud game night at a later time with the help of JW S.

- Jordy S. writing up a proposal for the final game night setup

- Using a Braille writer as a drawing fund raising opportunity; JW S.
agreed to purchase the Braille writer

Washington Seminar Discussion:

- Washington seminar will be virtual for 2021

- Barbara P. and Todd E. are the primary leads for the event

- Richard P. briefed the topics for 2021 Washington seminar

- All topics can be found on the NFB website

Pandemic Impact Discussion:

- Open the floor for sharing personal experiences

NFB January Presidential Release Discussion:

- Open the floor for personal thoughts on the release

Voice Core Discussion:

- Todd E. will be a guest on the show to talk about the Washington seminar

- Success with the December episode with Barbara P., Eric D., Wanda S., and
Maggie S.

New Business:

Request by Shelly D.; move chapter meetings to a week day

Discussion on Request:

-  Picking a new date and time

- Move the day to the second Thursday's of the month

- Change the time to five o'clock in the evening

- Temporary change set for February 11th, March, March 11th, April 8th

- Continuing to use Jordy S.'s zoom account for chapter meetings

Request approved by all: Motion by JW S., Second by Shelly D.

Meeting closed.
Maggie Stringer
“The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra."
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