[Cinci-NFB] FW: [Ohio-Talk] Senior Retreat 2020!

marianne at denningweb.com marianne at denningweb.com
Mon Mar 9 16:48:42 UTC 2020

Please share this information. I think this would be a great opportunity for people who have recently lost vision. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Ohio-Talk <ohio-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org> On Behalf Of Suzanne Turner via Ohio-Talk
Sent: Sunday, March 8, 2020 3:19 PM
To: 'NFB of Ohio Announcement and Discussion List' <ohio-talk at nfbnet.org>; NFBOH-Cleveland at nfbnet.org; 'Lisa Bostick'' <lbostick04 at jcu.edu>; Victory71351 at AOL.COM; AlexisTyson2000 at Yahoo.com; wturner at clevelandsightcenter.org; 'Edgarsfarm' <edgarsfarm at aol.com>; 'Sandra Krems' <slkrems at yahoo.com>; milenacleve at roadrunner.com; bdowdy1983 at gmail.com; bryantealysr at yahoo.com; shawgriff781 at gmail.com; Leeth123 at roadrunner.com; cantseecutie at att.net; Nricks123 at me.com; stuff12993 at aol.com; william.h.turner at ssa.gov; wTurner at clevelandsightcenter.org; lmr.upshaw at gmail.com; MichaelSwinney05 at gmail.com; 'kiana hill' <kiah976 at att.net>; Dr.Carolyn.Peters at gmail.com; 'Dave Bertsch' <dwbertsch at hotmail.com>; patrinkle at icloud.com; octaviaealy at hotmail.com; nicole.m.bell19 at outlook.com; 'Ali Benmerzouga' <ali.benmerzouga at hotmail.com>; jimweiss72 at icloud.com; Dorothea.Davis4444 at gmail.com; regina.mason216 at gmail.com; ccjeff at ameritech.net; Alex.French2.usaF at gmail.com; 'Albert Elia' <al4.elia at gmail.com>; Arringtonrs at gmail.com; lkaplan at ossb.oh.gov; NFBOH-Cleveland at nfbnet.org; Victory71351 at AOL.COM; BigPapaZo at roadrunner.com; WO.Turner5 at sbcglobal.net; Kinshuk.tella at gmail.com; jessicajones0199 at gmail.com; jessecooperhall at gmail.com; 'Heather Ways' <heatherways at yahoo.com>; jtschwoebel at gmail.com; lewisbarbee at yahoo.com; remacd3 at gmail.com; Chefgreen56 at gmail.com; delcenia at prodigy.net; Campbelllegal87 at gmail.com; riscw619 at gmail.com; Ronda.Thorpe at va.gov; abcfamily89 at gmail.com; davidgGray1984 at gmail.com; dwjann57 at gmail.com; jimweiss72 at icloud.com; abcfamily89 at gmail.com; charlenebolden at att.net; BillieGraham38 at gmail.com; jimweiss72 at icloud.com
Cc: Suzanne Turner <smturner.234 at gmail.com>
Subject: [Ohio-Talk] Senior Retreat 2020!

National Federation of the Blind 

Senior Division Annual Retreat




When?  October 18-24, 2020


Where?  Rocky Bottom Resort and Conference Center for the Blind, Sunset, South Carolina.


Rocky Bottom is a camp owned and operated by the South Carolina affiliate of the NFB. This camp is located on Sassafras Mountain, the highest point in the state. It is a modern facility with a dining-hall and several lodges for sleeping and holding classes. Retreaters will share a room with a colleague. Paved pathways connect buildings in this  rural, mountain setting. Fishing can be done on the property. Other off-site activities may be planned during the retreat.  


Eligibility: Must be legally blind and have a strong desire to learn nonvisual techniques taught by blind instructors. Preferred age over 50 but some exceptions can be made. 

Candidates must be able to administer their medications and know the dosages and times they should be taken. We can suggest labeling methods and organizational skills but cannot administer medications. 


--Classes Offered: Traveling with a rigid, straight white cane, 

--Daily Living Skills,

--Organizational Skills and Tactile Labeling, 

--Beginning Braille, 

--Some Devices and Aids Found Useful, 

--Cooking Techniques and Preparing Food, 

--Discussions Living with Low Vision and Blindness—Our Attitudes and Perceptions and the Misconceptions of Others about our Disability. 


Process and Cost: 


Please contact Ruth Sager, President, NFB Senior Division, 

rsager78 at gmail.com <mailto:rsager78 at gmail.com>  

7634 Carla Road,

Pikesville, MD


Home Phone: 410.602.9030  to obtain an application or the application can be downloaded from www.nfbofsc.org <http://www.nfbofsc.org> .  There’s  also an application attached to this message.  


Fill out the application and return it to the above address by August 20, 2020. 

Upon receiving your application, you will be contacted by an instructor or Senior Division Board Member to schedule a telephone interview. This interview is designed to help us  make your retreat experience as beneficial for you as possible. We want everyone to participate in all of the activities but we will try to tailor some classes to fit your specific needs. 


Candidates will then be notified if they are successful retreat participants. 

The cost per attendee is $300.00. This cost covers room and board, any activities which take place during the retreat, transportation from the nearest airport, Greenville-Spartanburg, and after the retreat, transportation from Rocky Bottom back to the airport. All other expenses incurred will be covered by the candidate. 


After you have been contacted that you are a successful retreat participant, the $300.00 check should then be sent to: 

NFB Senior Division, 

C/O Duncan Larsen

Colorado Center for the Blind

2233 W. Shepperd Avenue,

Littleton, CO, 


no later than September 15, 2020. 

For more information, please contact Ruth Sager as listed above. 


Steve Cook

Click here to view the PSA for the National Federation of the Blind of SC <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LddWwCJNPHI> 

www.nfbofsc.org <http://www.nfbofsc.org> 

Follow the National Federation of the Blind of SC On Face Book <https://m.facebook.com/NatFedofSouthCarolina/> 

www.RockyBottomofSC.com <http://www.rockybottomofsc.com/index/index.php> 

Follow Rocky Bottom Retreat  <https://m.facebook.com/RockyBottomofSC/> & Conference Center on Face Book

Follow the Computer Science  <https://m.facebook.com/Computer-Science-Technology-Division-of-the-NFB-of-SC-343263089815304/> & Technology Division of SC on Face Book

District 2 NFB of SC State Board Member

1st Vice President of the Computer Science & Technology Division of the NFB of SC

Board Member at Large of the Columbia Chapter of the NFB of SC

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