[Colorado-talk] Colorado Gives Day and the Colorado Center for the Blind

Arielle Silverman arielle71 at gmail.com
Tue Dec 4 00:42:48 UTC 2012

Great! Whom should I contact at the center if you are not there?

On 12/3/12, Jennifer Stevens <jstevens at cocenter.org> wrote:
> We have been working with Community First on their web site and they
> are trying to make changes but it looks like they will not have them
> done by the 4th.  So please give us a call at the Center (303)
> 778-1130 on Tuesday and we will assist.  Thank you all for your
> generousity.
> On Sun, Dec 2, 2012 at 5:39 PM, Arielle Silverman <arielle71 at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi Lorinda and all,
>> I am attempting to make a donation to the CCB using the link provided,
>> but I am running into an accessibility issue. JAWS does not seem to
>> recognize the "add to cart" button, and after I enter my donation
>> amount on the first page, clicking "add to cart" just bounces me up to
>> the top of the page without moving me forward. Have others experienced
>> this problem? Is there another way I can set up a donation and still
>> help the incentive from First Bank?
>> Thanks,
>> Arielle
>> On 11/30/12, Lorinda Riddle <lriddle at cocenter.org> wrote:
>>> November 26, 2012
>>> Dear Alumni, Family and Friends of the Colorado Center for the Blind:
>>> On Tuesday, December 4th the Colorado Center for the Blind is
>>> participating
>>> in Colorado Gives Day.  This giving campaign boosts charitable giving to
>>> non-profit organizations like the Center.  FirstBank has put together an
>>> incentive gift, and depending on how much money the Colorado Center
>>> raises,
>>> the Center will receive a percentage of that incentive gift along with
>>> 100%
>>> of your giving.  Last year I am pleased to say that we raised over
>>> $10,000.
>>> To assist us by donating, please follow the link on our website at
>>> www.givingfirst.org/index.php?section=organizations&action=newDonation&fwID=15595.
>>> I want to thank you for all of your support in the past year. As a
>>> result
>>> of your assistance, we have made a number of accomplishments:
>>> *Year Round Youth Services*
>>> We now have an active year round youth services program. Last week over
>>> 10
>>> high school students who are blind learned how to independently dissect
>>> a
>>> shark. Often blind students do not have the opportunity to fully
>>> participate in science, math, woodshop and vocational programs as a part
>>> of
>>> their high school program. We are working hard to change this. Last
>>> summer
>>> nine blind kids ages 5 to 10 participated in our Confidence Camp for
>>> Kids.
>>> This two week skills training and confidence building program got the
>>> kids
>>> using their canes, traveling around the city, cooking, cleaning and
>>> learning that they are not the only blind student. They loved going
>>> through
>>> a buffet line with our blind adults and realized that they can be
>>> independent and have jobs when they grow up. Their parents gained a
>>> great
>>> deal as well because they got to see and to learn from independent blind
>>> adults. Too often, parents of blind kids do not have this opportunity
>>> and,
>>> thus, they do not realize that their kids can be self-sufficient.
>>> *McGeorge Mountain Terrace Apartments*
>>> A year ago we were able to purchase an apartment complex. With this new
>>> acquisition we have the ability to provide more services. One of our
>>> students has a small child. Since we own these apartments we were able
>>> to
>>> accommodate her with her child so that she could get the training that
>>> she
>>> needs to flourish and to be a positive role model for her son. Our
>>> students
>>> enrolled in the Independence Training Program can now easily travel to
>>> stores, restaurants and into Denver evenings and weekends. They are able
>>> to
>>> practically apply their skills each day.
>>> *Senior Services *
>>> In this last year, 12 seniors participated in a week long residential
>>> training program. They learned that they can still use a grill, read
>>> Braille, use a computer and so much more. Mostly they gained belief in
>>> themselves again and loved meeting other blind seniors. Our vibrant
>>> senior
>>> program is expanding every day. Our seniors and their families are
>>> learning
>>> together that being blind is not a tragedy and that they can continue to
>>> be
>>> happy.
>>> With your donation, we continue to build upon our accomplishments.  Next
>>> year’s plans include:  increasing our services to youth, have more
>>> participants in our confidence camp and middle school program, serve
>>> more
>>> students from around the world, facilitate three “Seniors in Charge”
>>> programs and put together seminars for families.
>>> Your work with us to refer students and provide volunteer and financial
>>> support is tremendous. We appreciate everything that you do for us and
>>> any
>>> support that you can offer is much appreciated.
>>> Sincerely,
>>> Julie Deden, Executive Director
>>> Lorinda Riddle
>>> Coordinator of Special Projects
>>> National Federation of the Blind
>>>  of Colorado (NFBCO)
>>> www.nfbco.org
>>> 2233 W. Shepperd Avenue
>>> Littleton, CO 80120
>>> 303-778-1130, ext. 236
>>> Cell: 720-384-5871
>>> lriddle at cocenter.org
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> --
> P.S. Please keep in mind I am currently working part time and may not
> be able to respond right away.  If you need immediate assistance
> please contact (303) 778-1130.
> Jennifer Stevens
> Colorado Center for the Blind
> 2233 W. Shepperd Ave.
> Littleton, CO 80120
> (303) 778-1130x214
> jstevens at cocenter.org
> www.cocenter.org
> youtube.com/cocenterorg
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> Colorado-talk mailing list
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