[Colorado-talk] Important State Convention Matters

Lisa Bonderson lbonderson at cocenter.org
Tue Sep 26 17:49:24 UTC 2017

Good Morning,

Following you will find some information pertinent to our upcoming state convention at the end of October in Fort Collins.
I am giving you 2 pieces of information that require an rsvp.  Please DO NOT reply to this message, or your rsvp will hit everyone on Colorado Talk and a few hundred rsvp messages are not particularly welcomed emails.  Rather, please email me directly at lbonderson at cocenter.org<mailto:lbonderson at cocenter.org> or phone me at 303-504-5979.  Do please leave me a voice message if you don't reach me and I will confirm your message.

As usual, when we travel out of town for state convention, NFB of Colorado will be providing bus transportation to and from Fort Collins.
We will have 2 buses leaving the Colorado Center for the Blind on Thursday, October 26 at 11am.  You should plan on being there 30 minutes in advance of departure.  We will also have 2 buses leaving Fort Collins on Sunday by 1pm, returning to the Colorado Center for the Blind.
Please call me at 303-504-5979 or email me at lbonderson at cocenter.org<mailto:lbonderson at cocenter.org> to reserve a seat on the bus.  Let me know if you will need a seat for the round trip or just one way and designate which leg of the trip you need transportation for.

As you may already know, the convention pre-registration deadline is Friday October 13.  We will be providing a complimentary breakfast on Sunday morning.  However, you must be pre-registered by the deadline in order to receive the complimentary breakfast.  If you register late or at the door, the cost to you, if I am able to add meals that late in the game will be $20.  Once you have registered, please RSVP to lbonderson at cocenter.org<mailto:lbonderson at cocenter.org> or by phone at 303-504-5979, with your choice between the following plated meals.  You can give me the short descriptions of egg platter or French toast.  Your name will be on a list and when you arrive for breakfast, you will be given a meal card provided by the hotel to set out once you are seated.  If you have any dietary restrictions please let me know when you rsvp and I will provide the hotel with special meal tickets.
Colorado Center for the Blind Staff and Students will make their RSVP arrangements with Carol Sprague.

Classic Farm Fresh
Cage Free Scrambled Eggs with White Cheddar Cheese and Scallions
Applewood Smoked Bacon
FOCO Potato Hash

Pecan Raisin French Toast
Roasted Apple Compote
Agave-Maple Syrup
Cage Free Scrambled Eggs
Applewood Smoked Bacon

Lorinda Riddle and I spent an afternoon in Fort Collins in August and wandered not only the hotel property, but also the surrounding area.  With fantastic feedback from Dan Burke and David Nietfeld, I have prepared a walking tour of the hotel and the neighborhood.  You will find a list of nearby restaurants and I have attached a menu for a coffee shop that is about 2 blocks east of our hotel.  You should have time to research the other restaurants listed if you choose to do so.  If you have difficulties opening attachments, drop me a line at lbonderson at cocenter.org<mailto:lbonderson at cocenter.org> and I will resend them in the body of an email.

Lisa Bonderson
NFB of Colorado

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