[Colorado-Talk] Convention Impression

kevan at nfbco.org kevan at nfbco.org
Tue Jul 13 15:27:04 UTC 2021

Greeting colleagues, 


I am seeking folks who would be interested in writing some brief convention
memories for our Blind Coloridan. These would not be for posting on Colorado
Talk. I would like to have a few of your convention thoughts, impressions.
They should be brief. A few sentences, a paragraph, or 2. We will be getting
a blog out by end of the month. It would be great to feature a few of your
convention memories over the next couple of blogs. I saw a very nice
Facebook post from Dula. Also, didn't she do such a great job at the
convention?! Woo Hoo Dula! She represented! 


Thanks y'all!



At Your Service,

Kevan Worley







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