[Colorado-Talk] Fwd: In Case You Missed It! Catch up on Colfax Bus Rapid Transit

Gary Van Dorn garyvdrn at msn.com
Fri Nov 26 16:12:26 UTC 2021

I have been involved with the East Colfax Redevelopment Project for the past few years.  I am forwarding the below email so I can ensure that everyone’s voice is heard throughout this process.

I am working with the East Colfax Redevelopment team to obtain 3D models of the three station designs discussed in our meetings.  I will make these models available for the Denver area Chapters.  I hope to have the models by the time of the Board Retreat.


Begin forwarded message:

From: Sid Bittman <SidBittman at gbsm.com<mailto:SidBittman at gbsm.com>>
Subject: In Case You Missed It! Catch up on Colfax Bus Rapid Transit
Date: 15 November 2021 at 10:57:00 MST

Colfax BRT Task Force Members,

Thank you to those who joined us for the East Colfax Bus Rapid Transit station design workshops and for promoting the workshops within your communities!

We received invaluable input from members of the aging and disability communities as well as business interests along the corridor on ways to enhance center-running station design to improve safety, local appeal, comfort and equitable access for all riders. We also heard that enhancing public spaces and supporting businesses continues to be important to the success of the project.

As a next step, the design team will incorporate many of the ideas from the workshops into a revised set of station designs. We will seek feedback from the community on the revised designs in early 2022. We look forward to your continued engagement in the East Colfax BRT project. Stay tuned for future updates and upcoming workshops.

Weren't able to attend one of the station design workshops? You can still provide your feedback on early design concepts by completing the station design survey<https://denverdoti.mysocialpinpoint.com/colfax-brt-station-design-map#/sidebar/tab/survey>. The survey will remain open until the end of the year. For more information about the project, visit ColfaxBRT.org<http://colfaxbrt.org/>, explore the interactive Virtual Engagement Hub<https://aecomviz.com/Colfax360/> or reach out to the project team directly at ColfaxBRT at denvergov.org<mailto:ColfaxBRT at denvergov.org>.

Sid Bittman
Colfax BRT Project Team

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