[Colorado-Talk] FW: DBCC Meeting TOMORROW (Thursday 4/13)

doula.jarboe at gmail.com doula.jarboe at gmail.com
Wed Apr 12 19:57:35 UTC 2023

     Just passing this along for everyone’s information.



From: Katie Cue <katie.cue at state.co.us> 
Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2023 12:03 PM
To: deafblind.wellness at gmail.com; JoAnne Hirsch - CDHS <joanne.hirsch at state.co.us>; tbauder at aol.com; Karen Park <park.m.karen at gmail.com>; Doula Jarboe <doula.jarboe at gmail.com>; CAROLYN HAAS <carolynhaas at me.com>; caninesandcanes <caninesandcanes at gmail.com>; Roberto Cabrera <deafroberto at gmail.com>; Jonathan Pringle <Jonathan.pringle at hknc.org>; dcflowerdiana at hotmail.com; mdwest44 at msn.com; Clark, Keith <Keith.Clark122 at t-mobile.com>; Herrera, Gina <Herrera_G at cde.state.co.us>; Brian Channey <interstitium5 at gmail.com>; Anthony, Tanni <anthony_t at cde.state.co.us>; Eleanor Coley-Brody <eleanor.coley-brody at hknc.org>; Luke Adams <luke.adams at state.co.us>; celstad at theindependencecenter.org; nvineyard212 at gmail.com; Cynde Vaughn <cynde.vaughn at icloud.com>; Alice George <ageorge8221 at gmail.com>; Victoria Keatting <vkeatting at gmail.com>; Chris Dowdy <chrisdowdy27 at gmail.com>; Ruthie Jordan <ruthiejordan at gmail.com>; Christy Blakely <christy at familyvoicesco.org>; Michelle Hoagland <michelle at hoaglandterpssp.com>; Tassie Holt <tassiecholt at gmail.com>; Cliff Moers - CDHS <cliff.moers at state.co.us>; Tim Sherrie <trsartvisions at gmail.com>; conniefpierson at gmail.com; Gregory Hammond <gregoryshammond at gmail.com>; Kiera <kierazink at gmail.com>; mhowells2015 at gmail.com; Megan Bowser <mstone316 at gmail.com>; Renee Klotzbach <dennyklotz at gmail.com>; Vickie Pacheco <vatochoclat at msn.com>; Ryan Hawkins - CDHS <ryan.hawkins at state.co.us>; Ellie Carlson <eleanor.carlson at state.co.us>
Subject: DBCC Meeting TOMORROW (Thursday 4/13)


Hello all!

Sending this email out for Ellie since we are having issues getting the DBCC list-serv set up!


The DBCC will be meeting Thursday 4/13 from 4-5:30PM MDT. The meeting agenda is attached.


Zoom meeting registration is required at the link below:



Feel free to share this email far and wide. Everyone is welcome!


See you all then!

Katie (on behalf of Ellie)



Katie Cue, Ed.D. 

Outreach and Consultative Services Manager - Deaf Specialist

Colorado Commission for the Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and DeafBlind

English Pronouns: she, her, hers

ASL pronouns: 👉🏼 / 👉🏼 / 🖐🏼


Feedback is important to me as I continue to grow and learn. Please email me back or schedule a time to have a conversation if you have feedback about my words or actions.


P: 720.235.0062 | F: 303.866.4831

1575 Sherman St., Garden Level, Denver, CO 80203

katie.cue at state.co.us <mailto:katie.cue at state.co.us>  | ccdhhdb.com <http://www.ccdhhdb.com/>  | facebook.com/ccdhhdb <http://facebook.com/ccdhhdb> 


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