[Colorado-Talk] NFB Boulder Valley Chapter meeting

maryannmigs at gmail.com maryannmigs at gmail.com
Sat Apr 6 15:44:16 UTC 2024

Greetings chapter members and friends,

Now that Spring has sprung we invite you to advance into April by joining
the NFB Boulder Valley Chapter meeting Saturday, April 5, 10:00 am at the
Zoom coordinates listed below. 

This month we are pleased to welcome Jack Walters and his classmates from
The Colorado School of Mines to speak to us about their prototype wearable
technology that can translate nonverbal social queues. Here is what Jack
says about the project. 

"My classmates and I are doing research to provide people who are blind and
low vision with additional information in social settings through the use of

technology. We have developed a prototype that can read nonverbal
communication cues and translate them using haptic technology. The device is
a wearable

assistive technology with vibration motors embedded into a forearm sleeve
that receives a signal from a camera that communicates nonverbal

The nonverbal communication that the user will receive are gestures, body
language, and facial expression/ emotion. 

Our goal in this current phase is to get connected with individuals who are
blind and low vision for our research and prototype testing."


Other agenda items include:

Presidential Release

Secretary's report

Treasurer's report

Preparing for Mayor Brockett's visit in May

National Convention and Kenneth Jernigan Scholarships

6Dot Dash on the new date, August 24. Join the Boulder Valley Braille


Spero Winery Wine and Dine event 

Dining out events for April and May


Those wishing to join the chapter or renew your membership for the upcoming
year, click. 



Join Zoom Meeting



One tap mobile

+17207072699,,7202842318#,,,,,,0#,,632282# US (Denver)


Dial by your location

+1 720 707 2699 US (Denver)


Meting ID: 720 284 2318

Passcode: 632282

Find your local number: 



We look forward to greeting you at a meeting full of innovations and
activities for the coming months.


At your service,


Maryann Migliorelli-President 

National Federation of the Blind Boulder Valley Chapter

Office: 303-499-9125

Cell 720-284-2318

NFBBoulder at gmail.com



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