[Colorado-Talk] ZTrip email marketing complaint

R N J Hostgator rnj at robertandjamie.com
Thu Apr 25 21:48:45 UTC 2024

Hello community,
The other day I received an email from Alyssa Anderson From zTrip.

The email consisted of images and absolutely no text.

Using the advance tools that we have access to via our smart phones, was able to determine that this was some form of advertising for their services from the taxi cab company called zTrip.

 Advertising as part of the RTD access a ride/access on demand service.

I responded to the email and told them that I was completely offended that they would send an image only advertisements about their business to the Blind community.

Just letting you folks know, and do with it as you see fit.

Have an awesome day! 
Robert E Lee II

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