[Colorado-Talk] Call to Action for SB24-153, News Access for Coloradans who are Blind or Print-Disabled

Curtis Chong chong.curtis at gmail.com
Tue Apr 30 15:57:52 UTC 2024

Greetings everyone:


We learned just today that SB24-153, a bill that would provide $125,000 for
the critical expansion of NFB-NEWSLINER in Colorado was laid over by the
Colorado Senate Appropriations Committee. There is a little more than one
week left in the Colorado 2024 legislative session. It is vital for this
bill to be considered and passed out of Senate Appropriations if it has any
hope of succeeding this year.


What Can You Do?


At the very least, you can send emails to the Chair and Vice Chair of the
Senate Appropriations Committee telling them that you believe expansion of
NFB-NEWSLINER in Colorado is vital for blind or print-disabled Coloradans
who do not know about this important program of information dissemination.


The Chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee is Senator Jeff Bridges.
Senator Bridges' email is jeff.bridges.senate at coleg.gov
<mailto:jeff.bridges.senate at coleg.gov> .


The vice chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee is Senator Rachel
Zenzinger, and her email is senatorrachelz at gmail.com
<mailto:senatorrachelz at gmail.com> .


For your convenience, I am including below my signature a copy of the email
we just sent to all members of the Senate Appropriations Committee. Also,
for your convenience, I am providing a list of the members along with their
email addresses should you find that you can send emails to the committee as
a whole. Here is the list.


'Senator Jeff Bridges, Chair' jeff.bridges.senate at coleg.gov
<mailto:jeff.bridges.senate at coleg.gov> 

'Senator Rachel Zenzinger, Vice Chair' senatorrachelz at gmail.com
<mailto:senatorrachelz at gmail.com> 

Senator James Coleman james.coleman.senate at coleg.gov
<mailto:james.coleman.senate at coleg.gov> 

Senator Bob Gardner bob.gardner.senate at coleg.gov
<mailto:bob.gardner.senate at coleg.gov> 

Senator Julie Gonzales julie.gonzales.senate at coleg.gov
<mailto:julie.gonzales.senate at coleg.gov> 

Senator Chris Hansen chris.hansen.senate at coleg.gov
<mailto:chris.hansen.senate at coleg.gov> 

Senator Barbara Kirkmeyer barbara.kirkmeyer.senate at coleg.gov
<mailto:barbara.kirkmeyer.senate at coleg.gov> 

Senator Larry Liston larry.liston.senate at coleg.gov
<mailto:larry.liston.senate at coleg.gov> 

Senator Kevin Priola kevin.priola.senate at coleg.gov
<mailto:kevin.priola.senate at coleg.gov> 


Please do what you can as soon as you can. The General Assembly adjourns on
Wednesday, May 8.


See below for a copy of the email we sent to the Senate Appropriations




Curtis Chong




Date:               April 30, 2024


TO:                  Members of the Colorado Senate Appropriations Committee


FROM:            Dan Burke and Curtis Chong
Legislative Co-Chairs
National Federation of the Blind of Colorado


Subject:           SB24-153, News Access for Coloradans who are Blind or


We learned just today that SB24-153, which was schedule to be heard by the
Senate Appropriations Committee, was laid over. The National Federation of
the Blind of Colorado is very concerned about this disappointing delay in
making funds available to expand an information dissemination program for
blind Coloradans which is vital to their participation in society as
informed members of the public. Time is short. We would ask the Senate
Appropriations Committee to move expeditiously on SB24-153.


Thank you for your kind attention.



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