[Colorado-Talk] A Video Demonstrating Dominion's Accessible Voting System

Curtis Chong chong.curtis at gmail.com
Sun Jan 7 18:59:22 UTC 2024

Greetings all:


Here is a Dropbox link to a video which, according to recently-adopted rules
promulgated by the Colorado Secretary of State, companies who want their
systems certified have to create. 


This particular video is intended to demonstrate the nonvisual interface to
Dominion's supposedly accessible voting system. This is a system in which
nonvisual voters in all but two Colorado counties might have to use if they
choose to vote at the polls.


Here is the link.


IRED-ADA-NOV-28.mp4?rlkey=c3y0k3ts15hebz3payw4fhq8e&dl=0> &dl=0


A page should appear in your browser with a button to play this. Just look
for the Play button.


Kind regards,


Curtis Chong





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