[Ct-nfb] Tomorrow is Twitter Tuesday to Gain Supportfor HR 831!

Edward personal.edward at gmail.com
Tue May 6 00:47:34 UTC 2014

Hello nfb of ct,

This week is our week of action to gain more support for H.R. 831!  As many
of you likely know: Tomorrow is Twitter Tuesday, Wednesday is Call Wednesday
and Thursday is Email Thursday.  The idea is, by tweeting on Tuesday, we
will raise awareness about H.R. 831 to not only our Representatives, but
also all of our followers on Twitter. By calling on Wednesday, we will be
putting H.R. 831 on our Representatives' radars. Finally, by emailing on
Thursday, we will be sealing the deal by making the formal written request
to the labor staffers. I know that if we work together, we will be able to
gain even more co-sponsors.  Since tomorrow is Twitter Tuesday, please find
handles for your representative below.

John Larson @repjohnlarson
Joe Courtney @repjoecourtney
Rosa DeLauro @rosadelauro
Jim Himes @jahimes
Elizabeth Esty @Elizabeth_Esty

Rose and Edward

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