[CT-NFB] Thank you, and the way I see it.

Phillip Magalnick philmag at optonline.net
Sat Oct 31 03:47:38 UTC 2020

As elections near, I wanted to just tell my federation family that it has been my distinct honor and pleasure to serve as your first VP. As a newbie, electing  me to this position demonstrated your trust in my work ethic, my ability to serve, and my tenacity to advocate on behalf of  the blind of Connecticut. Together, we were able to not just survive, but thrive through the commencement of the pandemic. all of you worked hard to stay informed, offer support where needed, and just keep an eye on each other. It was a great experience to behold. I regret that we have been unable to achieve certain goals. These include making our office, fundraising, and our website accessible. I also wish that we were able to organize a Ddivision four   the parents of blind children, veterans, and seniors. These divisions exist on the national level and I feel that we are under serving the blind, especially the children, of Connecticut. This must change. I take the pledge and  the One minute message seriously, and to heart. We are the civil rights movement ofthe blind, and we must continue this work!  As The late  Congressman Lewis proclaimed,” We must often get into trouble, good and necessary trouble”. Well, I found my share.
It is up to the membership to hold their leaders accountable, transparent, And Consistent with the ethics of the Federation.
Both Honorata and I were quite humbled to have been Selected personally by President Riccobono to attend Leadership  Seminar 88, which took place during March 2019. For five days we immersed ourselves in the Federation history and philosophy. We Attempted to bring back that spirit to Connecticut,  but we were Dismissed as being new members and unfamiliar with the affiliate.
We must always ask ourselves who we  are as Federation members, What is our purpose,  and if we are actually helping the blind of Connecticut. Yes, we are a support Group, but first and foremost we are the advocates and activists ensuring equal rights for the blind.

I have been informed, and believe this to be true, that many of the board members actually hold extreme hostilities towards  me, and some actually have done so since I was elected. Apparently, insecurity and fear that I would soon run for the affiliate presidency caused people to act towards me in a manner which was negative, before they even knew me.  I   was told that there was great disappointment when I was elected, because I was not one of the select few who wished to maintain control. But, I was indeed elected, but kept Far from the inner circle.    Quite simply, I was ignored and not included in discussions of Federation business.
   My health prevents me from seeking the presidency at this juncture, But it  does not matter who sits at the head table or has a title. What matters is that leaders step up, lead by example, inspire others, mentor the new, and bring about positive change to enhance the life of the blind. As   the September 2020 board meeting  was just underway, it was stated  not to believe rumors. I believe that this Was simply a smokescreen to divert attention away from miss management and favoritism.  Extreme nepotism is precluding talented, hard-working, capable, and deserving members to run for leadership positions.     I poured     my heart, time,  treasure, and  attention into the affiliate,  yet I have been ostracized, vilified, and marginalized.  often,  silence Speaks the truth.
  this message is to not only thank you for The privilege of serving the affiliate, Bbut an opportunity to defend myself from  the venom being spewed at and  against me and Honorata.
  Credible sources have confirm the above information, and  it  is very troubling, as it  should be to all members.
We must choose our leaders  with trustworthiness,ethics, transparency, diversity, inclusion, Confidence, compassion, Competency, kindness, And integrity in mind.  We should desire leaders   who are committed to all of us, not just a select few well discounting the remaining members.
 I hope that all of us will use our minds and hearts when casting our ballots this Sunday. We must all, especially leaders, hold ourselves to a higher standard. This is your affiliate, and you must decide how we move forward. We are not just building the Federation, we should be building it the right way.
In solidarity,


P.A. Magalnick,JP
Justice of the Peace, CT
President, National Federation of the Blind-SWCT Chapter
1st VP, National Federation of the Blind-CT Affiliate
Vice-Chair, Stamford Committee on Accessibility

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