[Diabetes-talk] How do you know?

Blindhands at aol.com Blindhands at aol.com
Wed Aug 26 16:35:36 UTC 2009

How I use to be sure was in the past I took 2 injections a day with a  
combined dosage of long acting and short acting insulin.  The method I used  was 
I would use 1 disposable syringe  with needle for both  injections.  So in 
the morning I would use a new syringe.  I would  take my insulin and then 
put the used syringe in the plastic bag with the  insulin.  When I took my 
insulin at supper I would throw the syringe  away.  Now if I went off to work 
and started thingking  did I take my  insulin I could call my husbvand, who 
worked evenings and he could look in the  bag with my insulin and see if 
there was a syringe in it.  A syringe in the  bag meant I took my insulin, no 
syringe meant I did not take it.  Night  dosage check was the same.

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