[Diabetes-talk] Question about accessible materials either in Braille or other media

Julie Kline julie.kline at rochester.rr.com
Tue Jan 18 00:55:31 UTC 2011

Good evening,

I have a few questions.  When the diabetes diagnosis happened about two
months ago, I had some reading that was recommended for me.  In addition, it
was also suggested I call the diabetes association and see what materials I
could get from there.  When I called them, they had a print packet they said
they could send out, but nothing in braille.  They gave me three
organizations to call, NFB was the only one that panned out anything.  One
organization I couldn't get a hold of a person at all.  The other very
rudely insisted that the diabetes association was supposed to be providing
braille materials to me "because it's their material" and she was tired of
them giving out the number to the organization I had just called.
Apparently it happens all the time, according to the receptionist -- no new
memberships wanted for them.  So my question is does the diabetes
association have anything they offer themselves other than in print, or am I
looking at just going through BARD or something like that?

Also the other question I have is that one of the diet people I'm meeting
with absolutely insists on using a book called Eat This Not That.  From what
she read to me of it, it tells you how many calories are in certain foods
and offers alternitive suggestions.  I like the parts of the book that were
read that offer menu suggestions and what a few meals would look like.
Right now I feel like I'm on information overload and could really use
something with more structure.  Unfortunately, this book is not available
through NLS/BARD, RFB & D, National Braille Press, Bookshare, or any other
accessible media sites I know of.  Amazon only has it in print, which of
course I can't read.  Being the book is over 200 pages, asking someone to
read it for me probably isn't going to happen.  Does anyone know of a book
that is similar in structure to this one where they give you menus and other
food options?  I know I can get some of the weight watchers books online,
and have even looked at the Atkins diet because they are a low-carb diet
anyway.  Any thoughts on that diet?

Ok, I've rambled enough.  I guess it's just frustration with everything
trying to get out.

Have a good evening.

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