[Diabetes-talk] VoiceRx is Prodigy

Veronica Elsea veronica at laurelcreekmusic.com
Thu Oct 20 03:31:44 UTC 2011

Well, I have no connection to Prodigy or anyone else, but from the 
conversations I had in August with Prodigy, other pump companies who 
were also held up, and the FDA representative, at this point I do 
believe that the FDA backlog is playing a part in the delay. There 
are several stages in which the FDA comes into play, some very early 
on in the pre-marketing approval. And given that nothing new is 
appearing anywhere right now, I'm willing to cut them some slack 
until I learn something different.
But I'm not in the inner circle, just waiting like the rest of you. <grin.>

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		Veronica Elsea, Owner
Laurel Creek Music Designs
Santa Cruz, California

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