[Diabetes-talk] glucagon

Rachel Krieg rkrieg7583 at gmail.com
Sat Sep 5 22:53:53 UTC 2015

Hi, all.


My husband Jeremy's endo wanted my family since they live in the area to be
able to learn to administer glucagon in the event he went low. However, they
refused. As someone who is totally blind, with no light perception, is it
possible for me to administer it to him? I know the type she wanted him to
use you had to mix it, and that could be difficult for someone who has no
vision whatsoever. Usually, if he drops and I can't get anything into him, I
wind up calling the paramedics which in this town wind up being the fire
department, unless they deem it necessary to transport him to the hospital
in which case they send an ambulance.

Rachel and Lady the lovable lab

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