[Diabetes-Talk] trying a new meter

Doula Jarboe doula.jarboe at gmail.com
Thu Jan 10 02:31:49 UTC 2019

 It worked! So, I did my evening reading for callibrating my G5 a
little while ago. And in my own private bathroom hearing the beeps was
just fine. I put the strip in and it beeped at me I think three times.
I stuck my finger and got blood on the strip and it beeped. And this
went way faster and easier than ever with the Prodigy autocode. I
waited a minute, and my phone said transferring data. And another
minute, and I had my reading on my phone. Maybe I won't be waking my
husband up in the morning going, I need help doing my reading. Which I
really don't like to do. Hopefully it will continue to be this easy.
And my meter reading and my Dexcom reading were just a couple points
apart, so looks like it's more accurate as well.

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