[Diabetes-Talk] Attempting to avoid the Dexcom G5 tripple question mark sensor result.

Paul Magill magills at bigpond.com
Wed Jan 6 11:16:28 UTC 2021

Hi all,

I've done some reading of what I could find, and it seems that the tripple
question mark result could be a faulty sensor, or, perhaps I didn't insert
it as well as I might have.

When changing the sensor, and I am about to push the sliding plunger in,
should I just hold the main body of the applicator with one hand, while
pushing the knob of the plunger slowly in with the other hand?  Or, should I
press the main body of the applicator firmly against my body while sliding
the plunger in?

Thank you for any assistance,
Paul in Australia.

Hi all, 

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