[Electronics-talk] orbit research money identifier

David Andrews dandrews at visi.com
Tue Feb 23 03:47:25 UTC 2010

They are small, and probably underfunded, but I would not call them 
fishy.  I would guess that they know they have a winner and want to 
keep complete control.


At 09:42 AM 2/22/2010, you wrote:

>I must say that this outfit is beginning to look very fishy.  For a 
>company that supposedly specializes in products for the blind, their 
>web site is surprisingly poorly designed.  And why are they 
>reluctant to distribute the IBill through blindness products mail 
>order specialists like ILA?  Until someone on this list actually 
>receives one of these gizmos, I will withhold ordering one. I am now 
>very skeptical that this company can deliver the goods.

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