[Electronics-Talk] Control of Electronics Via Smart Device

Peter Donahue pdonahue2 at satx.rr.com
Wed Nov 9 18:37:45 UTC 2016

Hello again everyone,

     Mike's post got me to thinking of an idea. You can buy universal 
remote controls that can be pared with some appliances such as 
entertainment systems for example. One idea would be to develop a 
desktop or mobile device app that can be pared with house-hold 
appliances of all types to allow them to be controlled by PCS or mobile 
devices such as smartphones and tablets. Perhaps it's time a company was 
established to create such interfaces. This is going to require the 
effort of multiple individuals and of course money to fund such a 
project. Here is an example of what we can do to solve appliance 
accessibility issues without laying the blame at the doorsteps of 
polititians especially those who have yet to be sworn into public office.

Peter Donahue

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