[Electronics-Talk] All About Braille Displays

Danielle Ledet singingmywayin at gmail.com
Sun Feb 26 01:29:45 UTC 2017

Hello Everyone,

This is cross posted. I've always wanted a Braille display and felt I
could benefit from one. Hoever, I am quite overwhelmed by all the
choices and yet my income doesn't mesh with the prices! I notice that
some such as the Braille Pen and Brailleant are noted as portable for
use with smart phones. Given that, I know folks who utilize a
BrailleNote for such purposes. Which Braille display or notetaker do
you all recommend and why? Is their a major difference between those
billed as BD's and others billed as PDA's/notetakers? Also, what are
the drawbacks you notice with your favorite device?

There is a sale on the Apex, but someone recently postsed that he was
having some incompatibility issues with web surfing with it. I am not
sure this is worth the investment if it is becoming obsolete. I notice
too the PK and mPower are still being sold. Are they still supported
by HumanWare? Lastly, what is recommened for a braille printer for
home use that is still being distributed?

I hope you all made it to the end and can give me some helpful usable
feedback! I just want to make sure that when the dollars are dropped
they are on the correct most relevant choice for myself.

How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young,
compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and
tolerant of the weak and strong. Because someday in your life you will
have been all of these.
George Washington Carver
Email: singingmywayin at gmail.com

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