[Fabs] Minutes for May 22nd Meeting

Z'Leah Liburd nyirah17 at gmail.com
Sun May 22 23:49:13 UTC 2022

Hello everyone!

Here are the minutes for our meeting tonight!

May22nd 2022  Minutes:

Called the meeting at 6:05pm

Roll Call

        All were in attendance except for Sewar, Jannik, Thomas, Jorge and

·        NFB Pledge: Given by Elijah Grant

·        Officer Reports

o   Treasurer Meli: No report. Elijah motion, Camille second. All were in

o   Secretary Sewar: Z’Leah gave March report. Elijah motions, Meli Second.
All were in favor.

March 20, 2022

1.    Call to order
·      Meeting was called to order by President Jannik at 6:06 PM
2.    Roll call
·      Absent: Jackie, Tashara, Jorge Marketing Committee: Grace and Thomas
3.    Guests: Legislative Director Russel Davis,
4.    The Pledge was recited by Meliora Hatcher
5.    Secretary’s report: Sewar Quneibi

Elijah motions to accept last meeting’s minutes. Motion seconded by VP
Z’Leah. All were in favor.

6.    Treasurer’s report: Meliora Hatcher
·      No new transactions. Steady balance of $422

Sewar motions to accept Treasurer’s report. Elijah seconds it. All were in

7.    The National Scholarship
·      Scholarship deadline is March 31st
8.    Scholarship for attending the National Convention
·      Provides financial support for students who want to attend the
National convention for the first time.
·      Deadline is April 15
9.    Krispy Kreme fundraiser
·      We receive the tax ID from Silva. Application submitted and was
approved. We need to order a minimum of 25 boxes. FABS will get 50% of
·      A dozen of original donuts will be $8.50
·      Keep a look out for an email with a google form to put in your
10.         There was a discussion of creating  a webpage for FABS in
connection to the NFB site.
11.         Review of Washington Seminar.
·      Director Davis said that there are 3 meetings left and encourages
everyone to join! He talked about the success of representatives that have
signed onto bills that were presented. There might be another Washington
Seminar this fall.
12.         Erica introduced herself, offering any assistance.
13.         Adjournment
·      President Jannik calls meeting to adjourn.

Elijah motions to adjourn the meeting. Meli seconds the motion. All were in
Elijah motions Mel second

·      Meeting was adjourned at 7:01 PM

o   Marketing Elijah, Grace and Thomas

·        Introductions of new members.

·        Welcome Matthew, Lydia and  Jessenia!

o   Had two minutes to say their names, college they currently attend/major
and favorite hobby.

o   Added to list serve

o   Meli spoke about what FABS is about.

·        National Convention:

o   Due date to register is May 31

o   Registration is $25 and banquet is $70

o   Location: New Orleans LA July4-11

o   Congrats to all the national scholarship recipience and congrats to
Elijah and Z’Leah for winning the States scholarship for new convention

o   Congrats to Z’Leah for winning the Kenneth Jernigan scholarship

o   Further comments from state board: Camille spoke more about location
and fees and answered any questions

·        State Convention: Peggie and Camille  spoke about location, fees
and answered any  questions.

o   Location- Jacksonville FL. October 7-9

o   Spoke about how many were interested in attending: all students were

o   Brane stormed fundraising ideas for convention: 50/50 raffle, Halloween
candy bagraffle

o   Brane stormed about fun things to do at the student social: have music,
possibly different food and have bored games.

·        Krispy Kream fundraiser:

o   decided to go ahead and put out another round of doughnuts.

·        Update on bank account: working on it

·        Announcements

o   Z’Leah announces that she will be going on a students leadership trip
to Baltimore representing Florida. She asks all social media people to be
on guard for posting on our platforms because she hopes to document the
whole trip.

·        Meli is having a story included in the next NFB Florida newsletter.

·        UF did release information about FABS in the most recent
Disability Resource Center newsletter in the past 2 weeks.

·        Jackie has a new Pod Cast.

·        Happy Birthday to all the May/April babies!

·        Further announcements from the board: Peggie announced that FSDB
(Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind) has a alumni association get
together on July 21-24. It caused $60 including room and board with food
and an extra $30 for a boat ride. More information to come soon!

·        Fun discussion:

·         Spoke about how fall and spring semesters ended and if any are
taking any summer classes

·        Adjournment

o    Adjournment at 7:04

o   Elijah motion, Tashara second.


Z’Leah Liburd (She/her)

National Federation of the Blind of Florida

Vice President, Florida Association of Blind Students

Board number 1, State Wide Chapter

Nyirah17 at gmail.com

"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even
touched - they must be felt with the heart." -*Helen Keller.*

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