[Faith-talk] Thursday's Quotes

Paul oilofgladness47 at gmail.com
Thu Dec 15 12:15:29 UTC 2011

Hello my friends, fellow Christians and saints of the Most High God.  Here are today's thought-provoking pearls of wisdom for your consideration.

We Christians have love letters written to us from our greatest Love.  (quote compiler's comment: Now, if that's not a great Christmas gift, I don't know what is).

Abraham is an example of one who maintained his faith and hope in God's promise, in spite of seemingly impossible circumstances.

God calls His followers to maintain a clear distinction between the holy and the unholy.

Not all choices in life are easy or obvious.  How do we find the guidance we need?

God specializes in fixing more than objects or structures.  He restores lives!

And there you have it for today.  Until tomorrow when, Lord willing more quotes will be presented, I remain your obedient servant of the Lord, Paul Barnabas.

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