[Faith-talk] FW: [thefamilyoffaith] Lorraine Ezell - Pouting Children

Eric Calhoun eric at pmpmail.com
Fri Apr 13 21:06:11 UTC 2012

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Subject: [thefamilyoffaith] Lorraine Ezell - Pouting Children
Fri, 13 Apr 2012 10:09:40 -0400


                        "Pouting Children"

                        "Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have
learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content." Philippians

                        My friend and I took our little granddaughters to
the park yesterday. They each had a sand pail and shovel that they took
with them. They were playing in the sandbox when another little girl came
and wanted to join. She didn't have a pail and shovel so our girls shared
with her. Only having two pails and two shovels among three children meant
that someone couldn't have both and they would have to take turns. When
this little girl couldn't have both, she started pouting. She wasn't happy
with the fact that she couldn't have all she wanted and wasn't thankful
that at least someone was sharing theirs with her.

                        It reminded me of how we are with our Heavenly
Father sometimes. We have nothing! We came into this world naked and we
will leave the same way- with nothing. But God is so gracious and kind to
"share" and "give" us what we don't have in order to make it through this
life. But sometimes we act like pouty children. What He does for us isn't
good enough. We want more, we want it all, or we want something else
altogether. We are seldom content and just grateful for what we do have. 

                        These little girls did not have to share with
this other little girl. The pails and shovels were theirs. They weren't
obligated to share. We didn't make them share, they chose to. God doesn't
have to do anything good for us. He doesn't have to show us any kindness.
We don't deserve the blessings He sends our way. We rebelled against Him.
We turned our backs on Him. We rejected Him. We disobeyed Him. Whatever He
does for us is out of the goodness, love and mercy of His own heart. 

                        He may not give you everything you want, every
time you want it. He may not give you all you want. But are you going to be
content with what He does give knowing that He knows exactly what you need?
Are you going to be grateful for whatever He gives you? Are you going to be
thankful with each of His blessings- regardless of how small or incomplete
you may feel they are? Or are you going to pout?

                        Have a great day. Pouting children aren't
grateful and content with what they do have-- are you one?

                        For further reading:
                        Hebrews 13:5
                        Job 1:21
                        Philippians 4:19
                        Numbers 11:1-9

                        <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< 

                         Coffee Break is a morning devotional written by
Lorraine Ezell
                        and is sent to you free of charge for the asking
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