[Faith-talk] Good Night Message for Tuesday, December 11 2012

Paul oilofgladness47 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 12 02:49:15 UTC 2012

Well folks, it's that time again, time for the undersigned and others in the eastern part of North America to soon retire for the night.  Before I do, however, I hope and pray that you all had a good day today, by God's matchless grace and His providential care.  For those of you in other parts of the world, I hope that your morning or afternoon are going well.

Before I give you the poem for today, here's a little bit of helpful advice for those of you who are going through tough times and have unlimited long-distance calling plans, at least for those of us in North America.  There is a phone chat line called the Yack Shack, moderated by Pat Hawkins.  On that line is what is known as Message Boards on which people can post messages or even play music on the appropriate board.  The Recipe Board is used primarily for inspirational presentations, as there is no inspiration board currently available on that line.  Anyway, for those of you who are going through tough times, you might just wish to listen to the chaplain from the Sight Seer of Grand Rapids MI, the late Pastor Roland Gerdes.  Many people have taken my advice in the past several months, and they have enjoyed his 15 minute broadcast.  If you would like to hear this evening's program please call 712-432-6475. By pressing the pound key you can go directly to the main menu and then by pressing 3 you can go to the Message Boards.  Pressing the number 4 will get you to the Recipe Board and the chaplain should be the first thing that you hear.  I highly recommend that if you're down for any reason, that you check out the show.  For those of you outside North America with international Skype plans, you also can access the program as well.

The author of the poem we have for you today is unknown to me, but whoever he/she is, the sentiments are very appropriate for this time of the year.  Simply entitled "Peace," this poem is rendered as follows:

If you would know Peace, come to where the Christ Child lies,
If you would know Joy, look into His mother's eyes,
If you would know Love, draw closer to her Baby small,
If you would know God, give Him your heart, your life, your all.

And there you have it for today.  Short, I will admit, but there was a lot of food for thought packed into those lines, and it's the kind of food that won't make you fat or overweight.

And now may the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob just keep us safe, individually and collectively, throughout this night or day and especially in these last days in which we live.  Your Christian brother and friend, Paul

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