[Faith-talk] Cordial Invitation

Paul oilofgladness47 at gmail.com
Tue Jan 24 17:21:11 UTC 2012

Hello folks and good day once again.  I know that one of these lists is "for the discussion of faith and religion," but I've seen posts here that don't reflect that per se.  Not complaining but just observing.  Anyway the cordial invitation is, for those of you interested and have time, BBC Radio 4 has a program called "In Touch," whose intended target is blind and visually impaired people.  Lately I've had trouble getting into the audio link of BBC Radio 4 and probably you did too.  If that is the case, please follow these alternative ways to hear the programs.

Point your browser to http://www.listenlive.eu.

Scroll down through the list of European countries until you get to the "United Kingdom" page.

Then click on that and scroll down to where it says "BBC Radio 4" and click on that link.  It will ask if you'd like to open the BBC Radio 4 audio link.  Just press Alt Y and you should be there.

Anyway hope to see you from 3:40-4 p.m. eastern time this afternoon.  Although the broadcast is primarily intended for blind people in the UK, one just might learn something.

Until I see you in the virtual audience, I am your friend, Paul

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