[Faith-talk] Good Night Message for Saturday, June 2 2012

Paul oilofgladness47 at gmail.com
Sun Jun 3 02:21:10 UTC 2012

Before I begin this good night message to you all, I want to thank all of you for your prayers, and especially those who took the time to listen to my concerns in several internet audio chatrooms.  I'm a bit uncomfortable sometimes in voicing my concerns and/or prayer requests, as I like to follow the Biblical mandate in philippians 2:4 which essentially states to put the interests of others above or before your own, thus the reticence of doing this.  You'll never know how much voice interaction really helped.

I hope and pray, by God's matchless grace and His providential care, that your day went well, and that, if you live in the UK or in Europe, that your morning will go well.  For those in the South Pacific region you probably have just returned from your corporate worship time at your local Christian assembly.  For you, I hope you and your fellow congregants had a good word from the Lord as imparted to you by your pastors and/or Sunday school teachers.

The undersigned contributed this evening's poem which I've shared with some of you previously.  It's entitled "A Good Creed," and is rendered as follows:

If any little word of ours
Can make one life the brighter;
If any little song of ours
Can make one heart the lighter,
God help us speak that little word,
And take our bit of singing
And drop it in some lonely vale
To set the echoes ringing.

If any little love of ours
Can make one life the sweeter;
If any little care of ours
Can make one step the fleeter;
If any little help may ease
The burden of another,
God give us love and care and strength
To help along each other.

Perhaps some day I'll be able to attach these poems as an audio attachment, but for this purpose I'd have to enlist help, not in an email, but in phone directions, as I can much better follow those rather than an email.  This is something that I'd like to start doing as soon as feasible and, of course, with the Lord's leading.

And now may the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob just keep you safe throughout the night and especially in these last days.  This is the ardent hope, prayer and desire of your Christian brother, Paul B. Smith

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