[Faith-talk] Teaching English for the blind in Egypt.

Mostafa mostafa.almahdy at gmail.com
Fri Jan 24 19:31:17 UTC 2014


The British Council is the top worldwide leading organization of teaching English to non-native speakers.

As part of their integrative sentiment, the British Council in Egypt aims  for the first time to provide accessible learning English courses for Egyptian blind adults.

This was the major role of my conversation earlier this morning with MR. Mark Steven, the current British Council director here in Egypt.

I enjoyed conversing with him regarding this particular subject, and he critically showed his tendency and enthusiasm to significantly assist.

We spoke about what facilities we demand to equip the classroom with, in order to prosperously commence this initiative.

Well, I explain to him how this is going to work.

  For Egyptian  blind adults to learn English in elementary level,, we need the following:

1; We need to provide from two to five computers with adaptive technology settled and customized on them. 

2; We need Brailled materials along with audible lessons that resembles visual learning activities.

3; We demand to have competent English Braille tutors, so they can help the British Council throughout catering for educational inclusion to blind learners.

MR. Steven was enormously keen to help on that regard, and he promised me that the British Council in Egypt is willing to implement this educational scheme in the near future.

I thanked him, and I expressed my faith in the British Council global credibility, it is the worldwide recognized educational center for correct English seekers. 

I believe in the British Council incredible credibility, because I was fortunate to learn English with them.

I do not have any relevance with the British Council, and I never worked for them.

But I constantly prefer the British Council because of their positive disposal towards everyone.

I was never discouraged by the British Council policy.

Even when I asked to write on my IELTS exam rather than dictating someone, they were not close-minded, and they even did not presuppose its impossibility.

They rather negotiated with me to reach a moderate solution.

Well ultimately, I am going to take my IELTS exam next March, and I will write on my paper independently, without being in need to dictate someone.

English has always been my favorit foreign language since ever I communicated in English at the British Council.

Thank you so much.

That is what I have got in this edition of my daily digests.

In the meantime, and until I render another post, stay blessedly, and have a pleasant time.

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