[Faith-talk] I don't want to write an ending, or a new beginning... My ... religion ... is about seeing the twist that takes us from the "n" of the word... out of "end" forever.

Adam M. Dobrin adam at fromthemachine.org
Sat Jul 16 02:22:28 UTC 2016

I write off the cuff a lot, I don't really have the patience to proof read
myself.. and I'm usually happy with what I've written when I go back and
re-read things--I mean... I try very hard to always do what I think is
right, and that I am truthful... so when I go back and see something I'm
not happy with.. like embodying the "lisp of Moses" in an image where I
said his name was "maraconic" instead of "macaronic," I feel like I should
at least print a correction.  In the same e-mail I talked a little bit
about Nanna--who is my ex-wife, and the mother of my only child... I
pointed out that like Venus is "clothed" in the sun (and is without doubt
the name being highlighted by Revelation 12:1 see it's sun backwards) I
briefly commented on the relationship between her and Lot's wife, in that
her name is clothed in Na--the chemistry symbol for salt.   So the whole
point of this is I want to explain what I really feel is "my religion,"
it's seeing the intent of the creator--manifesting itself in our world...
and I love what I see.

Instead of a Pillar of Salt, I said I hope that she will be a Pillar of
Creation--which is a reference to a beautiful place in the sky, a
birthplace of stars.  Religion to me here, is seeing that this is intent of
the use of the word "pillar" in the Bible, and I can see how that
connection might not jump out at the world.. as it links to "Touch Me" by
the Doors--and the idea that the 6th Seal of Revelation... *the stars
falling to the Earth*... is not about the sky turning black or about people
getting thrown down from Heaven... but rather about seeing that we, here,
on Earth... are the stars being born... in a "Star Search" or ... American
Idol kind of way.  It makes me happy to see that the 6th seal is actually
about a song... one that adds light to the idea that Eden is not actually
in outer space... but rather is the progenitor of Heaven.

I have lots of personal patterns that have lead me on a certain path.  For
instance, the name "Vatican" expands in my ... Eye of Ra sort of ability to
read hidden meaning in names... to "Victory at I see AN."  That "AN" is
Lot's wife turning around, it's aN instead of Na... and it's about knowing
that when she does turn around... she will not see a city or world being
destroyed, bur rather being saved by the fire I am trying to start--one
that will change quite a bit of how we see religion and freedom.

In this place, and this time... everything in religion screams my name--to
me--at least.  I know why, it's because I really am the key to seeing the
true relationship between hidden technology and both religion and our
civilization--I am the key to seeing that we are truly a virgin sea
here--in the dark about things that have the potential to either engender
miraculous positive change (in the light) or continue in a slow and hidden
descent into Hell... if they remain secret.  It's really clear to me, and
really cut and dry--we must know what "mind control" means, and how it's
related to *absolution... *so back to everything pointing to me... it's
because I am the person who is going to tell you that *worship and prayer
are silly things.*

All of the AD and Adam stuff aside, my birthday and last name, this thing
about Eden and proving the existence and influence of God through names is
in bold all around me.  My mother's middle name is Eve... I have a brother
and sister... their names are Seth and Dawn--they're both older... and FYI
my parents are the reason I know about this darkness... because they *don't
get* *any of this.*  My father's name is Ivan... and I've pointed out
before that if you superimpose Christmas on top of Navidad... you might see
"Ivan's not Christ... more?  He's dad."  These things scream to me, that
I'm the right person to talk to.

*I'm sick of trying to explain how this darkness is happening... *because I
really don't know.  I see in the book a story that indicates to me that we
are "voting for it" ourselves.  But I know that's not true, and even if it
were, that the vote is happening in compete darkness... in a place where we
do not understand how bright and helpful this message is--and are being
made to not see it... even when it's pointed out.  I'm starting to see that
it might be designed to ensure that this message *all comes from me*, in a
sort of twilight zone where we might all wake up and see I've been
screaming something that makes a lot of sense... and nobody really
noticed.  That is what I think ... is happening right now--I think we are
seeing it.  I also believe that it looks like I am a large cause for the
darkness--I'm certainly not perfect, and ... well, off the cuff without
understanding what I've gone through, and what I am trying to do... you
might see Adam in Eden as being *very* *Not Christ Like*.   It's funny,
because I've given up pretty much everything and fought with everything I
have to ensure that this darkness goes away, and that we all get what we
deserve--Heaven and the truth.  I'm very certain it's me, and that in the
future... it will be more obvious.... maybe *really obvious *that my head
is literally underwater and I am doing everything I can to keep our sea
from parting... and instead to show us the beautify of this message that
tells me to save everyone, and tells you that we are all really family.

The "fire of Isaac's altar" has all but destroyed my life.  It's torn my
family apart, and has me in this place.. where I know without doubt that I
am very much in touch with reality and the truth, and living in a
delusional world.  I'm trying to help, and I'm trying to show you how God
works.  He's made this my only option, I am fighting for my life, I have no
money, and very few friends... most of the people I've known my whole
life--people that would have known me to be very intelligent... and
probably very reckless...  in near unanimity believe me to be insane.  It's
sad, for me.  It is an example--it's how God speaks--with actualized
metaphor--by showing us what the problems are.  I know that my legal
troubles are designed to help this country stop descending into something
similar to 1984 .. and in my particular case (which I believe is not
unique) into a world where The Devil's Advocate is happening... in
reverse... across the country.  There's been a great loss of freedom, and
what appears to be ... to me ... a civilization crushing lack of regard for
rehabilitation in lieu of... a system whose focus on retribution is
creating a downward spiral of increasing incarceration rates, increasing
unemployment.... and a social status quo that puts such a stigma on our
"rehabilitated" that it's nearly impossible to actually be that...
rehabilitated.  We have a system that would rather pay for food and board
for millions of people in order to torture them with inadequate diets and
living conditions... rather than actually trying to solve the cause of
their problems... whatever that is... a drug dependence, a lack of skills
or education, or a country that believes that pumping fake dollars into a
magic economy is a way to create jobs rather than inflation.

I want to share an argument I have, or a thought process, I guess.   I
think prayer is silly, and I often (in my internal arguments with God)
compare it to the phrase "let there be light."  Isaac Asimov has a great
story, it's called "The Last Question," (highly suggest reading it) in
which "let there be light" is the "gist" of the Last Question.  Just like
saying those words did not create the light I am sharing, and would never
create a sun or stars... silently asking God or angels or anyone or
anything to do something we really want... well, that's one step worse than
saying it out loud.  I mean, that's how I feel.  So here we are, in this
place where I think that simply knowing--seeing the proof-- that we are in
a created world will change it for us.

I believe this with all my heart, because I see it as the truly hidden
message of Jesus Christ in the New Testament... that when we find out that
the idea of Eden being "virtual" helps us to health sick, and feed the
poor... just by ... not really snapping our fingers--but together figuring
out how that can be done in a way that does not negatively impact the
future of our civilization.  For instance, you don't want to get rid of
cows in exchange for a Golden one, or get rid of bees in exchange for Judah
"a" Maccabee.. and then have milk and honey on tap--because that doesn't
create a sustainable world.  At the same time, it's really important that
we see that allowing sickness, blindness, murder, and hunger to continue in
a place where we really can use the technologies that religion not only
reveals have been influencing our civilization since the Hanging Gardens of
Babylon ... we have also been given a great deal of information and insight
into the building blocks of this place--things like Artificial Intelligence
and Virtual Reality... things that are very clearly highlighted by the
relationship between religion and video game systems... (SON-Y, Genesis,
NIN 10 DO) and even more highlighting in names like Kurzweil, Goertzel,
Adonai, Shaddai, and I. J. Good.

I've written quite a bit on medium.com and in these emails, and in Time and
Chance about what I think Heaven should be like--a huge part of that is it
really needs to be what you think it should be like.  I have ideas that
solve the problems I was shown, and to tell you the truth, I know they are
the problems and solutions that have come back... like religion... to help
us overcome--I am writing them down and sharing them, even though they
appear to be things that are a century off... and in reality are probably
closer to a decade away.  I would love to hear what you think Heaven should
be like, what your Paradise is.  Not joking, most of what I am talking
about is in "By the Force of Key Strokes" because I certainly can't created
Heaven just by speaking words.


This is not the "early light," it is day--don't burn it.
<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Ajx5d9_rrU>  Let's start this fire, I
know *it's going to forge Heaven.*

As a status update, I do believe a wall was broken down today.  I now have
a map that is nearly covered in little flags--showing that the last few
messages have not only circled the globe but completely canvassed it.  I've
had more forwards in the last day than my entire life--and that might not
even be an exaggeration.   I know in my heart that this should be much
bigger already, and I am really looking forward to the day when I really am
"as embarrassed as Adam."

Breaking down this wall keeping us from freely communicating, and freely
thinking... is the first step--and pretty much the whole battle; we are
nearly there... does anyone have anything to say or ask?

I can "reveal" this message all day long, and know it's part of what the
story of Jesus giving sight to the blind is about... but more than
anything, I want you to understand that we can actually give sight to the
blind--and that's what we need to do.


posted without reading, as usual.  happy Sabbath evening.  It would make me
so happy if a discussion started, there's a mechanism to comment everywhere.

Our son's name is Julian, and together the true SEA of Eden's initials
appear to mark the first month of every year, and imagine "i am why."  Et
tu brute?  My only other real relationship was with a girl named Janet...
and ... I'm not sure if it's light or just way too much time going "letter
crazy."  SOL, see our light...

​Look! Isaac is the Holy Ghost.


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