[gui-talk] Keyboard Input Problems With Perky Duck

Rob Tabor rob.tabor at sbcglobal.net
Fri Apr 30 02:32:52 UTC 2010

Good evening, all.

Yesterday evening I installed and attempted to use Perky Duck. For those who are not familiar, Perky Duck is a free simulation braille (SimBrl) editor which translates ascii or ansi code print characters into English literary braille code as you type, which is done by "chording"the S, D, F, J, K, and L keys on the qwerty keyboard as if they were input keys on a manual Perkins Brailler. My purpose in stalling Perky Duck is to begin steps toward becoming a LOC certified braille transcriber. However, I am not getting accurate input on a consistent basis as only some of the keys register into the op system which causes the software to mistranslate letters. someone on a city bus suggested it is a keyboard issue, but I have no trouble with this keyboard in other applications including MS-Word, Excel, OE, Goldwave, MSIE 7, Winamp, etc. 
Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
Best regards
Rob Tabor

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