[humanser] Drivers license requirement for employment

Leslie Fairall fairall at shellworld.net
Sat Oct 12 21:12:34 UTC 2013

The problem Anfelina is having is that these agencies are requiring a 
driver's license, in order for her to be considered for the job. I have 
seen the same requirements for some jobs in the VA as well. The problem is 
that a blind person gets screened out before they even have a chance to 
get an interview and discuss job accommodations. Requiring a driver's 
license in the majority of human services jobs is illegal because driving 
is not an essential function of the job. That makes it really tough. Most 
likely these agencies are discriminating against blind people without 
realizing it. They need to be educated about the law.

Leslie Fairall
mailto:fairall at shellworld.net

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