Ericka J. Short ericka.short at att.net
Thu Oct 17 03:12:37 UTC 2013

Thank you for the compliment Justin.  It means a lot.

Tact isn't easy.  I was never involved in the NFB until an adult.  My 
parents did read the "Future Reflections" mag so I guess they taught me. I 
had to learn how to  live in the sighted worked since I was the only 
visually impaired child in a sighted school district.  The only other 
blind/low vision person I knew was a chemist at Swiss Colony.  He curled on 
my dad's curling team.  He taught us a lot.  I thought everyone accepted 
blindness until I went to college.  Obviously I was sheltered in my little 
town of 10,327.  I do have days where I want to strangle the sighted world, 
but not too many.  Tact has worked pretty well for me.  I don't know why 
churches aren't more accepting.  I guess it depends on how they see 
scripture.  I am attending an ELCA Lutheran congregation.  The UCC (United 
Church of Christ) where I was brought up in was very supportive too.  When 
all the other third graders got their bibles, I received a large print one. 
No fanfare, no big deal.  I taught Sunday school, sung in the choir, was in 
their drama group too.  I have been very lucky.

Ericka Short
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." 

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