[humanser] Introducing myself

Jonathan Franks jfranks at nfbtx.org
Mon May 25 03:23:07 UTC 2015

Greetings everyone,
Since I am new to this list, I wanted to take the time to introduce
myself. My name is Jonathan and I am a Senior at The University of
Texas at Austin where I am studying Social Work with a Minor in
Psychology. Once I graduate this December with a BSw, I am looking to
attend Graduate School in order to earn a MSW and then get my
licensure as an LCSW. Honestly, I  was not that interested in Human
service until I lost my sight 9 years ago. At that point I became very
involved with volunteering as well as became interested in the realm
of psychology. I had originally attended college in California at the
age of 18-19 in 2002, but had to drop out because of family issues. My
family and friends convinced me to go back to college and delve into
the realm of social work and psychology. I never imagined myself
getting into a top University, yet alone into into an School of Social
Work that is ranked in the top 10 in the country. I am a very
dedicated member of the National Federation of the Blind, I am a Board
Member for the State of Texas, The 1st Vice President of my local
Austin, Texas Chapter and the treasurer for the Texas Association of
Blind Students. I look forward to getting involved with this division
in any capacity that I am able to as well am looking forward to what
this division has to offer at the 2015 National Convention.

Thank you all for taking the time to read   a brief glimpse of who I am.

Take care

Jonathan Franks

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