[humanser] reflections on my interview

Lisa Irving peacefulwoman89 at cox.net
Wed Mar 9 07:42:20 UTC 2016

First, I would like to thank all of you for your prayers; positive thoughts
and advice. Here's what transpired at the interview. Well, I enjoyed the
first half. I'm not sure that I nailed the questions because I kept catching
myself digressing. The good news is that I caught myself and it was
definitely a learning experience. The second half of the interview has left
me questioning myself. In a nutshell, I had to rely on a reader to complete
the second half of the interview. I was expected to read an article. I think
that relying on a human reader is a distinct disadvantage in many
circumstances, including this interview. I had my laptop with me and I
suggested one of the interviewers could email the article. I also suggested
that the article could be downloaded to a thumb drive. I was also unnerved
by the fact the Hiring Manager couldn't make sense of my job application. 


Some of you know that I encountered layers of challenges and turned over all
stones in order to complete the application. The company's Talent Scout
wasn't concerned about my job application, however, the Hiring Manager
rightfully was concerned. Yesterday I emailed her my online job application,
that is, I emailed what I had highlighted and saved into a Word document.
This morning I offered her a hardcopy of what I had emailed her. She didn't
want it. Again, I feel as though I'm at a disadvantage. There were a few
awkward moments during the interview when I was trying to figure out how to
respond to a couple of questions that I wondered if they were actually
permissible. I was told there's a lot of paperwork, I was then asked how I
would complete the paperwork. I asked the person who asked the question if
everyone is asked this question. There was a lot of hemming and hawing   .
What do you do in these situations. I thought I integrated my ability to use
technology into the interview. Well, I'm going to let all of this sit for a
few days and then I'll try to spin this into a very positive experience. 


Thanks again for your support. 




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