[Jayhawk-chapter] Upcoming Chapter Meeting w/Agenda and Other Documents

Rob Tabor rob.tabor at sbcglobal.net
Wed Aug 13 05:07:44 UTC 2014

Greetings Fellow Jayhawk Federationists,


I hope everyone has had an enjoyable summer break. Now it's time to get back
to work in the Jayhawk NFBK chapter with our meting coming up this Saturday,
August 16 at 12:00pm at Independence, INc., 2001 Haskell Avenue, Lawrence.
Please note the 1-hour earlier start time on account of the social time we
will be having in lieu of a picnic which was discussed at the June meeting.


Susan and I have discovered some very tasty sandwiches at a relatively new
eatery called Sandbar Subs. They are not doing deliveries as of yet, but I
understand there are plans to initiate a delivery service at some of their
locations. There is a nearby location at the Zarco station on east 23rd
Street, so a carryout will be arranged. For your convenience I am attaching
the Sandbar menu for your perusal. If you will kindly email or call your
order into Brendy or myself by no later than 9am Saturday morning this will
expedite the lunch process and our hungry bellies can quit growling sooner.


Finally, the agenda and minutes of our June meeting are also attached
foryour time-saving convenience, although Cheryl had distributed them
shortly after the meeting in her usual efficient fashion. Yea, Cheryl! Be
ready to combine food and fun with work and I'll see you on Saturday.


Best regards,

Rob Tabor _Jayhawk Chapter president NFB of KS

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